
原创 深藏阁楼爱情的钟 2025-03-09 01:51 15阅读 0赞


  1. 数字与字符串混合:

    1. num = 5
    2. str = "hello"
    3. print(num + str) # TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str
  2. 错误地将列表赋给字典:

    1. list_data = ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry']
    2. dict_data = {'fruit': list_data} # TypeError: '<list>' object does not support item assignment
    3. dict_data = {key: value for key, value in list_data.items()} # Correct way to assign a list to a dictionary
  3. 尝试对非数字类型进行数学运算:

    1. str_num = "12"
    2. float_num = 5.6
    3. try_addition = str_num + float_num # TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str
  4. 混合使用序列(如列表和元组):

    1. list_data = [1, 'apple', 3.14], # Mixed use of sequence types
    2. try_access_value = list_data[0][2]] # TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not tuple
  5. 错误地将字典的值赋给变量:

    1. dict_data = {'name': 'John', 'age': 30}
    2. value_assignment = dict_data['name'] = "Jane" # TypeError: assignment destination must be a sequence
  6. 使用不兼容的类型进行比较:

    1. int_num = 5
    2. str_num = "10"
    3. try_comparison = int_num > str_num # TypeError: cannot compare types 'int' and 'str'
  7. 使用*操作符将元组与列表混合:

    1. tuple_data = (1, 'apple', 3.14))
    2. list_data = [5, 'banana', 6.28]]
    3. mixed_product = tuple_data * list_data # TypeError: can only concatenate list (not "tuple")) to list
  8. 尝试使用``操作符提取字典的值(Python 3.7 及以后版本)

    1. dict_data = {'name': 'John', 'age': 30}
    2. extracted_value = dict_data ** 1 # TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for **: 'dict' and 'int'
  9. 错误地使用+操作符连接两个不同类型的对象:

    1. int_num = 5
    2. str_num = "10"
    3. combined_type = int_num + str_num # TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int")) to str
  10. 尝试使用列表推导式(List Comprehension)创建一个字典,其中的值是另一个字典中的键:
    dict_data = {‘first_key’: ‘value1’, ‘second_key’: ‘value2’} # Original dictionary

    wrong_comprehension = {key: dict_data[key] for key in dict_data} # Error: Wrong usage of list comprehension. Result is a set, not a dictionary.

    correct_comprehension = {key: value for key, value in dict_data.items()} # Correct way to create a dictionary with values from another dictionary

    print(wrong_comprehension) # Output: {‘first_key’: ‘value1’, ‘second_key’: ‘value2’}}




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