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1.Spring JdbcTemplate `Spring JdbcTemplate`is a powerful mechanism to connect to t
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1.Spring ORM Frameworks Spring provides API to easily integrate Spring with ORM fr
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1.Spring AOP `Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)` compliments OOPs in the sense tha
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1. Autowiring in Spring Autowiring feature of spring framework enables you to `inj
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1.Constructor Injection with Dependent Object If there is `HAS-A relationship` bet
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1.Spring It was developed by Rod Johnson in 2003. Spring framework makes the ea
相关 Spring(4、AOP)
注:本文用到的jar请到[Spring(1-1、基于xml装配Bean)][Spring_1-1_xml_Bean]中查找 AOP(Aspect-OrientedPro
相关 Spring AOP详细介绍
什么是AOP AOP(Aspect-OrientedProgramming,面向切面编程),可以说是OOP(Object-Oriented Program
相关 Spring AOP详细介绍
AOP称为面向切面编程,在程序开发中主要用来解决一些系统层面上的问题,比如日志,事务,权限等待,Struts2的拦截器设计就是基于AOP的思想,是个比较经典的例子。 一 AO
相关 Spring Aop详细教程
一、概念 AOP(Aspect Oriented Programming):面向切面编程。 面向切面编程(也叫面向方面编程),是目前软件开发中的一个热点,也是Sprin