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![20191014153329993.png][] set hive.support.concurrency=true; set hive.txn.mana
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使用Flink SQL Client出现: \[ERROR\] Could not execute SQL statement. Reason: org.apache.f
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执行HIVE时报错: This command is not allowed on an ACID table xxx.xxx_table with a non-A
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原因分析:根据官方的解释是mysql在编译的时候默认把local-infile的参数设为0,就是关闭了从本地load的功能,所以如果需要使用只能自己打开 通过链接的时候把该参数
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背景: 今天启动一个老项目,控制台打印出以下异常,大概是说在Spring托管的SqlSession上不允许手动关闭: java.lang.Unsupported
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相关 MySQL load data local infile 关于ERROR 1148 (42000): The used command is not allowed with this MySQ...
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