相关 trying it with minimal code in a test-project
This method of "trying it with minimal code in a test-project" is something I still use
相关 English improvement for IT Test(2011)
Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank
相关 English improvement for IT Test(2010)
Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the be
相关 English for IT inprovement Test In 2009
Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best wo
相关 English in September
前言 9月是开学季,相应的也是我们的放假的日子,毕竟暑假学习的时间也不短了,所以就短暂的给自己放了个假。在开学的前2周内,用一句话来形容自己:那就是睡过来的!!!就每天
相关 English in October
前言 回想10月的点点滴滴,心中无限感慨。从10月1号-7号的集体学习到中途周六日的学习,我与英语结下了不解之缘。现在已经能养成戴耳机的习惯了,总想听着英语的声
相关 English in December
前言 这个月的英语学习看起来是那么的不平常,那么它不平常在哪呢? First:一个如此离不开被窝的我竟然破天荒的去参加了晨读,但现在也已
相关 My wish in 2009
2009, the OX year . Maybe we need appreciate our ancestor who they did not devise BEAR