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一、配置application.properties rabbitmq spring.rabbitmq.host= spring.r
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[Andriy Redko \{devmind\}][Andriy Redko _devmind] Saturday, June 29, 2013
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[Andriy Redko \{devmind\}][Andriy Redko _devmind] Saturday, June 29, 2013
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描述: 将websocket应用在实际的项目中,用于后台应用向浏览器推送消息。 架构: 传统的springmvc基于xml配置的(但是websocket配置是基于java
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相关 ActiveMQ Message Persistence
1、JMS规范支持两种类型的消息传递:persistent and non-persistent。ActiveMQ支持这两种类型的传递方式;persistent 好处: 1