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1. 测试困难,因为无法给singleton替换模拟实现,除非它实现充当其类型的接口。 2. jdk5以前,都是把构造器声明为私有,导出公有静态成员; //Sin
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发信人: ukim (life is important), 信区: Mathematics 标 题: Heroes in My Heart (54) 发信站: 北大
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发信人: ukim (X人|活着....), 信区: Mathematics 标 题: Heroes in My Heart (42) 发信站: 北大未名站 (200
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发信人: ukim (真的想成为X人 :-(), 信区: Mathematics 标 题: Heroes in My Heart (25) 发信站: 北大未名站 (2
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[![The Lord of the Rings - Return of the King - Legolas Collage 魔戒 III 王者归来 点击放大][The Lo
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Definition:Assure a Class has only one Instance and it provides a Public access. 1
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2009, the OX year . Maybe we need appreciate our ancestor who they did not devise BEAR
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This is my first blog in CSDN 一级目录 二级目录 二级目录 三级目录 正文 代码块 print "He