相关 安卓配置多渠道包error:All flavors must now belong to a named flavor dimension
安卓配置多渠道时突然报错,: FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. What went wrong: A
相关 解决Error:All flavors must now belong to a named flavor dimension. Learn more at https://d.android.com
这个问题是Android studio升级到3.0之后,运行的时候会提示gradle要升级到3.5版本才能编译。于是我把我的gradle升级到了 gradle-4.1-mil
相关 【错误记录】Android 编译报错 ( All flavors must now belong to a named flavor dimension. | all64Compile )
文章目录 一、错误记录 二、解决方案 一、错误记录 -------------------- 编译运行 ijk
相关 Error:All flavors must now belong to a named flavor dimension. Learn more at https://d.android.com/r
Android Studio 3.0 导入工程 出现报错: Error:All flavors must now belong to a named flavor d
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在升级android studio到3.0.X版本时,出现同步错误。 Gradle sync failed: Cannot set the value of read
相关 Cannot set the value of read-only property 'outputFile'多渠道打包和All flavors must now belong to a named
Cannot set the value of read-only property ‘outputFile’ for ApkVariantOutputImpl\_Decor
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升级gradle到3.0.1的时候,app.gradle报了如下几种错误错误:主要是将以前的output.outputFile替换为outputFileName。 Could
相关 解决Error:All flavors must now belong to a named flavor dimension. Learn more at https://d.android.com
这个错误是说:必须要保证所有的flavor 都属于同一个维度。 3.0之前配置多版本打包是不会有问题的,可以正常运行、打包。但是AndroidStudio升级到3.0之后,配
相关 ERROR: All flavors must now belong to a named flavor dimension. Learn more at https://d.android.com/
相关 ERROR: All flavors must now belong to a named flavor dimension. Learn more at https://d.android.com/