相关 navicat连接服务器报错lost connection to MySQL server at "waiting for initial communication packet"
\\ navicat连接服务器报错lost connection to MySQL server at “waiting for initial communication p
相关 解决mysql报错:Lost connection to MySQL server during query方法
解决mysql报错:Lost connection to MySQL server during query方法 参考文章: [(1)解决mysql报错:Lost conn
相关 sqlplus登录报错TNS-12547: TNS:lost contact
夜里12点接到一线电话说数据库登录报错,登录不了就连忙起来登录一线环境sqlplus "/as sydba"登录报错TNS-12547: TNS:lost c
相关 mysql报错:Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet'
1、检查是否有防火墙限制 2、检查mysql是否有访问权限 命令:use mysql; 命令:Grant all privileges on . to ‘root’@’
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【运行环境】 java SE 1.8.0\_101,hadoop-2.7.3,HBase-1.1.2,Zookeeper-3.4.6,python2.7,happybase1
相关 Linux使用scp时:bash: scp: command not found
可能是由于未安装scp相关包。安装openssh-clients即可解决。 执行如下命令: yum install openssh-clients 注意:使用s
相关 使用scp时出现“lost connection”的报错
解决办法: 1.查看发送端和接受端是否开启ssh的22端口 netstat -tlnp 2.查看发送端和接受端是否安装openssh-clients(提供scp
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编译项目时会有一种错误信息是\\\ does not contain bitcode. You must rebuild it with bitcode enabled (Xc
相关 MySQL报错:Lost connection to MySQL server during query
> Lost connection to MySQL server during query(查询期间与MySQL服务器失去连接) 可以尝试一下重启MySQL服务