相关 Nuxt.js项目报错Cannot find module ‘@nuxtjs/axios‘
FATAL Cannot find module '@nuxtjs/axios' Require stack: - D:\vue\VueBase\mt
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异常处理: \{ parser: “babylon” \} is deprecated; we now treat it as \{ parser: “babel” \}.
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使用vscode debugger模式的时候遇到一个报错。 ![在这里插入图片描述][watermark_type_ZmFuZ3poZW5naGVpdGk_shadow_1
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错误: Unable to open debugger port ( java.net.BindException “Address al
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\[vue-router\] "path" is required in a route configuration. 路由配置缺少path,包括一些空路由也会这样
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<router-view> `b6db:2611[Vue warn]: Unknown custom element:` ` <router-link> -<router-
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前言 在初始化的nuxt项目中打断点,报错: Unexpected 'debugger' statement.eslint(no-debugger)