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[Problem - 1701D - Codeforces][] 题意: ![8350a88101d24add84e98dffa9460aab.png][] ![221d
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/ 首先考虑从后往前计算lis,显然0的在很多情况下的贡献要大于1 如果遇上0,那么lis++,如果遇上1,那么cnt1++,并且用cnt1更新lis
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写Hexagon DSP程序流程 In general the developer follows these steps: 1. Define an API in
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问题描述: You are given two strings s and t consisting of small Latin letters, string s can
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[题目][Link 1] 思路:将此坐标转化为直角坐标系(纵坐标,横坐标),然后将六条路径优化,上cs = min(c6, c5 + c1), 下cx = min(c3,